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The Ripley Main Street Association, established 2001, is a non-profit organization that focuses on enhancing the culture and quality of life in Ripley through planned revitalization, diversification, and preservation of the historic district and through active community involvement.
Ripley Main Street is a membership supported organization. It is because of the generosity of Sponsors and Members that we are able to continue the work of promoting and preserving Downtown. This support also allows us to develop projects, put on events, and host programs like our Main Street Ambassadors.
The Ripley Main Street Association has paved the way for restoration and revitalization in the downtown historic district since 2001. These improvements include an outdoor mural program, a National Register of Historic Places renovation of the historic Jail, Dixie Theatre renovation, the design and installation of signage in the downtown area, new benches, banners, planters, lamp posts, facade grants and much more!
Revitalizing the downtown area involves more than preserving the historic locations, it also includes strengthening the public interest and participation. To get the community involved, the Main Street Association has sponsored several events in the area, including the annual Star Spangled Celebration, The Spirit of Ripley Festival and Chili Cook-off, The Christmas Parade, Holiday Open House and smaller events that bring our community together.
Main Street's ultimate goal is to improve all aspects of downtown. The Main Street program has received national recognition for its effective strategy implemented based on the community's local resources.

​Promote the Main Street Program to stakeholders and the community.
Raise money for activities and administration.
Manage the program’s finances.
Enhance district’s image.
Provide assistance at retail events.
Develop special events for:
Business promotions.
Community events.
Fundraising events.

Quality Façade Grants for exterior building improvements in the Main Street District.
Provide public design plans.
Draft design guidelines.
Economic Vitality
Collect data about district business and markets.
Conduct business surveys.
Keep a Main Street progress chart of rehabilitated properties.
Keep a Main Street record of new business, investments, and job creation.

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